A table to write on, a mat to stand on ...

Today, some more essential tips for an outdoor wedding

Even if the wedding is outside, a table and chair are essential.  It isn’t easy to complete the documentation standing up!

I like to create a special table for the formalities.  Sometimes that means taking the table and a chair I provide to an unusual location!  We’ve had it by the lakefront, in a garden, up a mountain, by a pond and in a ruin in recent weeks! 

I also like to bring a mat with me to some locations.  Sometimes the ground underfoot is a bit damp or soft.  For a bride in high heels or in a light coloured dress, a mat of a colour that disappears into the background is a great option.  Easy to stand on and the dampness or mud doesn’t absorb up the fabric! 

Be flexible ….. the best laid plans might need to change quickly!